
Need-to-be-graded Homework Exchange

Dusty Carve 12 months ago updated by Vita Auden 11 months ago 1

Do you think that it's a good idea for users to be able to.. How do I say this- Exchange? Homework to grade.

Like, it works like Gifts. A user and click on the little Homework icon, and there can be an option to 'Exchange' and if the user clicks that, it will bring them to a
screen similar to the Gifting screen. And the person types who they want to give the homework to and then they pick the amount, and then they press 'Send' and they person who wants/needs homework to grade, they get more homework to grade?

My point of this idea is to take the Homework that some users don't want to grade and give them to the users who want to grade them. It could help get Homework graded faster.

But the person that is being offered more Homework to grade has a choice to Accept it, or decline it. So the person isn't being bombarded with un-wanted Homework to Grade.

I don't see how this would be useful, because people can actively choose to grade homework themselves? Why does there need to be this function?