
Level rewards

louise schaller 1 year ago updated by Msizi Amandla 1 year ago 3

Hi !
Maybe we could implement a reward system when you level up ! Because as of right now leveling up is not rewarded. For exemple it could be each "x" number of level, we have a small object or something !
Thank you !

I'd argue that while levelling up is an achievement, the most popular things you do to level up are rewarded (grading, homework, topics) even chatting/owls reward you by building friendships and whatnot. 

Also people don't always level up through honest means - setting up an auto clicker and spam IMing away doesn't deserve rewarding in my opinion

I agree it might be nice to have some reward for leveling up, not for all levels, but maybe for "milestones" levels, such as 50, 100, 200, etc. Even if it's just a random object like when you complete wizarding cards collection :D


actually this I could get behind, every single level is a bit over the top