
Inventory Improvements

Glinda Rose 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

Two improvements I would love to see for the user's inventory:

1. Create a list view or smaller version of the current image boxes for inventory items, which would lead to easier reorganising/sorting of items. Potentially an auto-sort feature that will order the items in a specific format, with items able to be placed into a "category", which can be created by the MoM/HM of the site.

2. Make items stored in folders viewable on a profile that's not your own. Can't speak for all plots on all sites, but sometimes items being visible in someone's inventory is helpful to ensure they actually have the item (e.g. weapons being brought into a battle plot)

You can do this yourself by manipulating the page quite simply just a bit of technical knowledge is needed.


While I can understand this, I don't actually think this is something people should "do themselves" - I am talking about a web development feature that should be worked on/updated by web developers.

MoMs and HMs are able to manipulate a certain amount if they know how, it is true. But this is not actually a good practice. It is hacky at best, and could lead to serious issues at worst.

I believe that my suggestion is a good one, and not something that ought to be dismissed just because it's technically possible to loophole a way to do it - these things should be implemented properly and across all sites, rather than calling a hack a solution.