

Angel Gaskgov 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 1

Add pages for letters as it doesn’t unload the previous messages, it should be like any other chat. Unloading the message until the person scrolls back up to see them.

Or just add pages, a maximum of about 20-30 messages per page. That’d stop a lot of lag and would free up space in code that can just be an increase in a single variable instead of creating a whole new code for another letter

This is about chat? I am confused reading your message, because it feels like you explain it poorly.

Are you asking for messages to disappear after a specific number of messages have gone through? You are saying that it saves the messages, but that is only true if you don't refresh the page. If you later on try to look back in chat, you don't see old messages after a certain amount of messages.

There could be made handling for the messages to be removed from chat after a specific amount of time, but truly 20-30 messages seem very little, but it isn't that much of an issue. If you experience lag, perhaps just reload the page.

Removing messages also makes it harder to monitor chat, if you get notified about behavior and wasn't there in time.