
Make Club Owners Club Members!

Calypso Rebelke 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Club Owners Don't Show Up as Members

Club Owners: Not Members?

The Problem

Club owners don't show up as members in their own clubs, sadly! This is unfortunate as I have a few clubs across sites and I use the rank system (GENIUS IDEA, thank you so much for that!!!) to determine member status. In some cases this means there are special statuses, ie: second in command, but what I really use it for is making my co-admins have the "rank" of Admin so my club members can see who to go to for any problems within the club that don't need to involve site staff, such as a member not paying attention to the X rating or posting a topic in the wrong forum.

The Solution

Make Club Owners Club Members automatically, or allow them to apply to the club even after purchasing!

Why Bother With This Idea?

This will greatly benefit anyone who owns a club! This feature being implemented may also encourage users to buy clubs if it is fixed! Plus I know that it will be greatly helpful for me and any other club owners who use the rank feature to distinguish admins!

Thanks for Reading!

Upvoting this topic is appreciated! || I hope we can make this happen! 

Wow, yeah. That would be good. 

Been around 5 months, just wanted to bump it :)