
Make it so mobile can use chat

jellybean 4 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 5

It’s summer break and hardly anyone is Rping. I want to ask people if they want to but I can’t because for mobile chat is for VIPs only. I used to use a computer and that wasn’t a problem back the . Can you please fix that?


I believe this limitation is reasonable (and purposeful) as it increases the value for VIP so more people buy it (and so the site can continue running).

I know it may be frustrating but I do have several ideas you can use rather than searching for people to topic with in chat. Instead, you can probably write a wall post about roleplaying or perhaps you can owl previous roleplaying partners (or potential roleplay partners to see if they are interested). There are also a lot of topics scattered around the site that are public (most topics are public with the limitation of those in the Past) so I'm sure you can find a lot of people that way as well.