Not a bug

Pet Kennel shows pets as ‘Hungry’ or ‘Feeling Sick’

Celeste Malfoy 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 4

I noticed when I went to the pet kennel it said that some pets were hungry or feeling sick. This shouldn’t be happening because all of the pets are supposed to be fed. 


Not a bug

The pets in the kennel are being fed, meaning they don't run away. The money for that is automatically taken from your account. If you don't have enough money left, your pet will run away. 
The pets are shown as "feeling sick" or something similar, because they can't be cuddled in the kennel. In order to be "happy" the pets need to be cuddled daily. 
We are currently working on a function that allows users to cuddle the pets in the kennel to make them happy. 

You have to pay to feed them, they don't always get fed ^^

How do you pay to get them fed? I thought you automatically get charged.

If you don't have coins in your hand, you don't get charged

Not a bug

The pets in the kennel are being fed, meaning they don't run away. The money for that is automatically taken from your account. If you don't have enough money left, your pet will run away. 
The pets are shown as "feeling sick" or something similar, because they can't be cuddled in the kennel. In order to be "happy" the pets need to be cuddled daily. 
We are currently working on a function that allows users to cuddle the pets in the kennel to make them happy.