Fixing the Admin Panel for Jobs
It's been about a year now since the change in the admin panel to try and get rid of buttons certain jobs don't need but instead its left many management jobs without the means to either do their job or do certain aspects of their job. The artist leaders can't upload images, store items, or emojis. Backstory leaders can't change names of users. HoH can't access gifts. SoMe can't access the blog without an additional job. (Can't even hire people from their profile's anymore we have to go through the 'users' page, and I'm pretty sure CE's can't hire at all.)
Now I agree with the idea of trimming down the admin panel for jobs so things are less confusing for some and just plain removing the unnecessary buttons. But time has passed since this update initially started and I think it's about time we all had the ability to do our jobs without relying on the MoM/HM for everything since they have jobs to do too and these things that seem insignificant pile up.
Customer support service by UserEcho
As a MoM, I would agree that it's added a lot of unneeded work. My teams were functioning perfectly before this update came along. I would love for this to be tweaked. I get the idea of removing some features but the divide could have been optimized a bit more.