Rule change
Hello Dear WOP Community, I would like to propose a rule change as I find this rule very questionable.
It's about the rule that we have users from 13 should always write very youth-free and in RP's and chat can always write normally.
I find this rule very questionable as I think it belongs in HP universe of death and torture both in the movies as well as in the books to see or read. Because from the 2 part of HP the death belongs to movies and we adults have to hold back because of children ?
Children who play Call of Duty or Fortnite cursing themselves also throw around with the death and expressions that I find very strange.
I do not want it to be allowed to insult or something just that you can bring in his RPG also a torture or death with what you can do at the moment only in owls more not and I find that just very inappropriate therefore my proposal that it is allowed in RPG or homework to include the death and torture because he belongs in the Harry Potter universe and to forbid that just because we young people it will hardly bother or you make a or make an extra area only for adults which will contain RPG and only users who are 18+ will be able to see this area because otherwise I personally have to admit I think it's a pity to leave this out although it belongs to the HP universe maybe I'm not alone but such a change has to be we live in 2021 where you can include death and torture in RPG homework and so on therefore a rule change ! .
The statement it is a rule of pages owner any rule can be changed and in my opinion this rule must be changed urgently not only for me but for all who want to make a real HP RPG !
greetings Sebastian Raynor
Customer support service by UserEcho
You know that there are language settings and rules regarding the X's? You can have death and torture in those as long as characters with real people behind them don't die. It is about how you do it.
No that's not true I was told in the chat that I can do that if only by owl otherwise not and only if the person agrees what I find quite funny because so you can take a lot of fun and joy in the RPG that's why I proposed the rule change yes
I don't think that that was told. Because it's like Drew said and as it is written in the rules. It is allowed to write about death and torture as long as "real" characters don't die and it's not too detailled. Otherwise the rule that you can use Avada Kedavra on NPCs wouldn't make sense. And if you want to go into details you can change to an owl or other private places to write about it.
That's just it in the German forum where I'm in it was said that it may only write in owls in no RPG homework or anything else so I would say there is something wrong if each WOP forum regulates differently then something is wrong if it is allowed with you but in the German forum only in owls otherwise not at all your statement is it is allowed to talk about death and torture that contradicts itself completely?
Read the rules xD I'm at the german site too and this is whats written in the rules.
I do not really understand this rule change proposal...
1. It is possible to write about sensitive content in plays, but you really have to choose the correct X-rating for your play. If you chose 5X it is possible to write about death and violence if you do not write it in details! (an in fact you shold set a disclaimer as well!)
2. If you want to harm your playpartner in any way you always need his okay to do that, otherwise this would be powerplay/metagaming or godmoding.
3. You are talking about we should respect that we have got users who are 13 and you do not understand that. Well... have you ever heard about laws? Maybe the Youth Protection Act? Than you should defenately know why we have to respect the age of our youngest users! It is NOT only the rules made by World of Potter, but also the laws of the countries! And we all have to comply with these regulations.
So from me you get an absolute NO for this rule change proposal!
Yes, the Youth Protection Act now with a relationship as a reason for your no shows but that you have no arguments against?
The youth of today plays Call of Duty and Fortnite and there you also see a lot of violence and torture and all what you forbid in your forum even in the HP books and movies you see from the 1 part of death because there you see how Professor Quirrell dies.
Therefore, to have a forum where you should make RPG but it is forbidden torture and death to take purely in owls is pretty weak.
Yes you have to level 5X if you bring that into the RPG but even there you are still not allowed to bring in torture or death according to the rules violation yes but everything above that is forbidden so no death no torture or even if you just want to build into the RPG that someone was tortured from the family you are not allowed to explain that exactly if the person wants to tell how my parents died for example. For example, as with neville longbottom that they were tortured with crucio are therefore died I can not write because it would immediately violate a Regle so please I think that one should edit the rule because so you take the RPG a big part away but belongs to it especially if we want to tie to HP.
You know that Call of Duty is rated M for mature, but it is parents that allow them to play it.
The youth of today you mention is certainly not everyone (I say this as a 14 year old), so you cannot just make a rule based on the few, we may as well keep the protection. ^^
Call of Duty and Fortnite (which is a 12...) are also completely different to WoP/X, we are written RPG, they are video games
In your examples, you can write that your parents were killed by crucio until death, but there has to be a disclaimer, this is not just for children, it's for everyone, you do not know what goes on behind the screen and what triggers each individual person.
If you want to do topics involving death, sites such as WoGL, WoEC (16+), WoW, and other 15+ sites do allow these a bit more freely.
Your comparison with Call of Duty is - sorry for my words - absolute bullshit!
Call of Duty is a game which is rated 18+. If younger children play this game this is not legal!
So if you use this as agumentation to change rules on World of Potter, you should start this change in politics!
On the rest I won't add any comments, cause Anni already did.