Be able to access your followed topics while fainted
Hello there!
Yesterday, while I was fainted I figured out that you can't access your followed topic while you are fainted. This can be a problem for ATs because you need to submit a grading report of the assignment(s) you've recently graded. While I realize you can write down all the information you need to know into a google doc or some other platform like that, it would just make it a bit easier if we were able to access our followed topics.
I do also realize that it's easy enough to stay unfainted, but sometimes you don't find the time to eat a free meal and/or don't have enough money to buy food. That's why this feature would be very helpful.
Thank you for your consideration!
Henry Key (WoP UK)
Customer support service by UserEcho
I mean it is only an hour, also it is much easier to just use google docs, It means that Dan doesn't have to add this feature for one, which will avoid sites breaking as they usually do with updates also WoP UK is a site on the older side, more than 3 years I'm pretty sure, this means that 3 years of ATs have been able to work without being able to access the forums while fainted ^^ And if you are an AT you are getting paid at the very least, 40 galleons, which is enough to get interest and food is not very expensive, you can easily have enough to not be fainted?
Also, the system used to report gradings is different for each site, so this won't effect everyone. But I definitely do get this feature in terms of other jobs such as Prefects, who are definitely unable to do work while fainted (as owls and topics are unable to be reached unless you have the Hospital Wing)
All topics that needed this feature would need to be remade in order to flag these and it seems like a lot of fuss about a problem that is not a problem. As Maxi says, it is more important for prefects, but also plot team, but with this logic, backstory team shouls be able to see profiles when fainted too. It is only an hour.