
xp limit for having pets

Luigi Gonzales 4 years ago updated by ajax 4 years ago 2

Some people have a lot of pets, that's nice and all. But they level up every night at least one level. The leveling up is not exciting anymore for them, or interessting. I suggest that there is a XP limit they can get per day with pets. For example 250 XP, that is a lot, but not enough to level up each day from them.


I can see where you are coming from but I disagree.

The reason most people have a lot of pets is to gain experience and level up. This obviously comes with a cost as feeding lots of pets takes time (if the user does not have VIP) and usually a lot of money. The expenses for these users often reach 500-1000+ in-game cash (dependent on the site) per feeding cycle. This money isn't exactly easy to get as the user often relies on their own money which takes effort or from occasional generous donations.

The effort put in by these users often justify the experience they receive from the pets. It isn't easy to sustain a lot of pets on the site, especially since universal pet food (dependent on the site once again) usually costs 3-5 IG cash pet pet which is multiplied by the number of pets the user has and the amount of times it takes for the pet to be at full-hunger. The user also has to ensure the pets are sufficiently cuddled to gain the optimal amount of experience (which may not be too hard for users with a lot of pets, but I have noticed a decline in cuddling).

For all these reasons, I respectfully disagree. However, I do understand your position on this. 

Some people really love XP, so this would make these people sad.