
double posts

Effy Stratford 4 years ago updated by Vita Auden 4 years ago 3

So sometimes your post gets deleted when u just hit the posting-button, which is not great, but okay, bc personally I always copy and paste them from docs. 
But the last few times, I noticed that my post that got deleted, immediately was there after my rp-partner posted their answer. without me doing anything. 

It's no big deal when you're online and fast enough, but it's another thing, when your offline and cant delete it in the first 5 minutes.

Uhm,,,I'm a bit unsure but I do know that posts not sending but sending when you go back is a known glitch and is being worked on, you can always ask management to delete posts!

oh yeah, i know that going back glitch! but for me its sometimes a lot easier to just paste the answer again into the field and post then. and AFTER the other person replys, my first answer is there again, without me doing anything, yk. i mean, sure i can ask them to delete but its a little nerv wracking


It still posts, you just have to go back to the page to see it.