
How old can you get?

Katie 4 years ago updated by Tigra 4 years ago 6

Hi there!

I don't think there's anyone who's over sixty or so on any WoX sites (that I know of), so I was wondering how old your character can get, because it would be a little weird if you could have a character that's, say, 150 years old (although that would take many years to get someone that old). Is there even an age limit? And if so, does it mean you die at some point?

Sorry, I know this a really weird question but it's just something that's been bugging me for a while. Anyways, thank you for reading this and I hope it made sense.

Note: I'm the kind of person who likes to know what's ahead and have everything planned out so that's the reason I'm asking this.

I don't have a good answer for this, but some sites it makes sense to be 150 such as Harry Potter. You would be really old and have issues, but you would be able.

in regards to no one being over 60: People just like being younger, so no one has consciously chosen to be over 60.

Ah, yes I was forgetting how old people can get in HP. 

So yeah, I think this does kind of answer my question.

You would really just leave the account if it got too old, permadeath isn't permitted on many sites so while it's logical, it wouldn't be stated to happen like that

And also there are many sites with people who are over 60 xD WoMF WoFD and WoO for examples

I'm not on those sites, but thank you for letting me know.


There is no overall age limit since our sites are so different. The age always has to be realistic within the universe of the site, which is why for example on WoP you could get up to 150 years old, while on WoHG it wouldn't make sense to get older than 95-100. 

In WoJM theres a user who is very close to 1000 I think it depends on the site :D