User Shops
I think that the sites should have a way for users to sell items for IG currency. I think that there could maybe be a shop tab under "More" on people's profiles, similar to the "Pets" tab.
This could be a way to get rid of unwanted items and make a small profit, as well as a way to possibly sell things such as potions. There could be a search bar (possibly between the "other" tab and the Marauder's Map), which people could use to search for items that they are looking to buy. An alternative to this, would be a separate chat where users could advertise their shop items and where others could look for items that they wish to buy.
I think that this could strengthen the site economy and would make a great new feature.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is actually a really, really good idea!
The only issue is it could possibly make stores redundant if people sell things at lower prices, it could cause competition (like stores in real life have), and general unfriendliness
Also, it could stop people doing homework and grading (which many sites already struggle with) as they are the two primary sources of getting money.
That is true. I didn't think of that. I still think it could be cool if people could sell the potions that they'd brewed though, as that wouldn't really the shops and would give more of a reason to brew potions.