
The Fanfic Club!

Chloe Lovegood 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 8 years ago 2

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The Fanfiction Club

No Application, no user requirement, just writing!

Not enough time to join the library team and write for the site? More of a fictional writer who wants to explore the realms of WoP through their own writing? A Fanfiction club could be the answer.

Definition of Fanfiction: A piece of writing written by either an unpublished or published author of any skill level that is based off an existing book/movie ideas without taking from the original cast or descriptions (to cease copyright issues). It allows for the writers own imagination using an already existing world. In that case of WoP fan fiction, it would be written using the Harry Potter Universe as a guideline to create your very own plot.

Overview of idea: This would be a club which users can apply for and write their fan-fiction within, seeking the support and help of other users on the site. It would be a friendly environment allowing for writers of all ages to better their skills and discover new content. The fan fiction would have to apply to certain rules, but would generally be a free area for those wanting to share their own stories with the community of WoP.

Benefits of a Fanfic. Club!

  • It allows for an In sight area for monitored content to be posted.
  • Users who wish to write together can create topics to plan out their own stories before sharing them with other users.
  • As in normal clubs, there could be several different sections: Collaborations, Finished Work, Advice. Allowing for users to find what they want from the club. E.g- Collaborations could be for advertising of wishing to write with someone else, finished work is where you can share you actual pieces (creating a topic and posting chapters as you go) and Advice could be helping those through pesky writers block!
  • It would allow users to have a safe place where they feel unjudged by sharing their work.



There will be no official club for now, but users can create clubs themselves now, so go ahead :)


Amazing idea! :D


There will be no official club for now, but users can create clubs themselves now, so go ahead :)