
Like-Button for Blogs + Share on SoMe

Elza Lockser 6 years ago 0

Hello, my fellow Potterheads!

As we discussed this in our team for a while now, we decided to open this feedback post.

We really love to write blogs for the website and share our ideas and thoughts, but we do not always get a lot of feedback. It would be very nice to have a "Like-Button" for each blog, like the library or the blackboards have it.

We would deeply appreciate having the opportunity for the community to share if they liked what we do, as this would also give us a bit of recognition.

Adding to that, it would be nice to have certain "share-buttons" as we are the social-media team. We could share our blogs on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for example or in the best way, other users could do that as well!

Thank you very much for your attention, feel free to give this post a thumbs-up and have a lovely day!

- Social-Media Team of WoPDE