

AnneMarie Vinteau 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 2

I try to stay positive on here, but the cbox I don't think is fair and the site. It's like basically okay anyone who has a job can remind ppl of the rules but no one else can. Honestly, if you really think about it, it's technically bossing if you're not an adult. I don't agree with the site's rules and agree more with jcink sites. Lemme clarify- SOME of the site's rules. I think if no student or adult workers are around ppl should be allowed to remind others of the rules and like only once. *There should be a topic called "complaints".*



If no coloured user is around (which seems rather rare to me, as on most sites you can always tag them in the GH chat or find a few on the Marauder's Map), then you shall remind the rules to the one breaking them, and report it through an owl to a staffmember or a prefect. 

If you do not agree with the rules, I don't believe you can do much to change them. They were created for the safety and comfort of all WoP users. Also, I believe the only difference between a "complaint" topic and the "idea" one is that the idea is often inspired by a complaint, and the complaint alone does rarely lead to anything ^^


If no coloured user is around (which seems rather rare to me, as on most sites you can always tag them in the GH chat or find a few on the Marauder's Map), then you shall remind the rules to the one breaking them, and report it through an owl to a staffmember or a prefect. 

If you do not agree with the rules, I don't believe you can do much to change them. They were created for the safety and comfort of all WoP users. Also, I believe the only difference between a "complaint" topic and the "idea" one is that the idea is often inspired by a complaint, and the complaint alone does rarely lead to anything ^^