I can't do much of anything because it says that I have not been authorized and that it should happen in a few minutes. I joined yesterday and its still there. I haven't gotten an email or anything to authorize my account like with other sites and I don't know what to do. What should I do about this?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I have been waiting three days myself. Hoping they get whatever is wrong fixed soon :-)
First of all, welcome to WoP! I do hope the issue has been resolved, but if it has not, try to contact the Minister or Headmaster/Headmistress on your website. They are recognizable by their forest green color (Minister) or their sky blue color (Headmaster/Headmistress), and they can help you further. Usually, you don't have to confirm your account to be able to use WoP. Perhaps it is another issue, but your Minister or Headmaster will be able to help you.
mine was fixed today !
This issue should now have been fixed! ♥ It was a bug in the system, but all should be well :D