
Trading magic frog cards and gifting money

Ben Wiggins 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

it would be awesome if you added these things in



Trading the chocolatefrog cards is already planned, and we are working on it. 

But gifting money will never be a thing, for the reasons already mentioned. This function could be abused by making countless new accounts and just transferring the money from themto the main account. 

Trading is already planned and gifting money would ruin a lot for those who has no friend that would gift money for them...

Trading money could also be abused as people could make new accounts and send the money over to get rich.


Trading the chocolatefrog cards is already planned, and we are working on it. 

But gifting money will never be a thing, for the reasons already mentioned. This function could be abused by making countless new accounts and just transferring the money from themto the main account.