

Ella M. Brown 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

I think that we should be be able to create books to be added to the library and i think we should be able to search for certain books or search certain things in the books and find the book(s)



Please owl your library leader if you want a specific book to be added. If you want to write books yourself you can always apply to become a librarian. For searching specific words I suggest you use the search function of your computer (for example strg + f for windows).


The Library leader adds books to the library, you can owl them if you have an idea!


There is a team on the sites, all librarians can create books.


Please owl your library leader if you want a specific book to be added. If you want to write books yourself you can always apply to become a librarian. For searching specific words I suggest you use the search function of your computer (for example strg + f for windows).