

adriannagravel 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

I was wondering if there could be a ballroom added where users could create balls that could be joined and the ball could stay up for a few hours then be taken down was over and new ones could be created whenever and names and descs could  be added



Unfortuntaly there is no evidence that Hogwarts ever had a ballroom, so it would be not very realistic if we added one. Most balls, like the yule ball took place in the great hall. If you want to host a ball on your site we suggest you ask you plot team leader about this idea, we're sure together you can create a wonderful event in just the right place (:

If you have an idea like that, please owl your plot team leader.

You can just make a ball in the great hall?


Unfortuntaly there is no evidence that Hogwarts ever had a ballroom, so it would be not very realistic if we added one. Most balls, like the yule ball took place in the great hall. If you want to host a ball on your site we suggest you ask you plot team leader about this idea, we're sure together you can create a wonderful event in just the right place (: