@prefect tag in chat
It would be nice if there was an option to tag the prefects when there is something going on in chat, but they haven't reacted yet. Prefects will be able to react quicker in all kinds of situations, and the graduated people don't have to step in that soon. The prefects must get the chance to step in first, and by using a @prefects tag they would have that chance to do their thing first. It will be easier to see who is handeling that situation.

This function would be particularly useful for quickly getting hold of staff and management in situations like trolls in the chat or just situations getting out of hand when you need someone with the right authority to step in. It takes time to check the marauder's map to see who's online and tag them manually, a @staff or @management tag would speed things up and make life a bit easier for the responsible chatters (and prefects) who tend to call for backup in situations of need.
For less urgent situations, like questions or help and the like, a tag for @prefects could also be added.
With supportive cheers from the EU prefects,
Darling Walsh

I think this would be a pretty good idea for the entire site. Perhaps not tags for assistant teachers and such, but tags like @MoM @teachers @management and @staff - it would make life a lot easier the students to get ahold of a staff member in times of need - if there's a troll and stuff like that!

Maybe even for all the teams? I mean, Prefects would be the most usefull, but other teams such as Teachers, Leaders or even Plot or Backstoryteam can be usefull!

Although this sounds like a great idea, users usually check for staff members who are around, and if not, then Prefects. To do this people need to look on the map anyway to see who is around to help out if needed, it would take the same amount of time to type @prefects as it would to type @usersname that you have seen on the map. It is also could be abused and annoy the team.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Although this sounds like a great idea, users usually check for staff members who are around, and if not, then Prefects. To do this people need to look on the map anyway to see who is around to help out if needed, it would take the same amount of time to type @prefects as it would to type @usersname that you have seen on the map. It is also could be abused and annoy the team.