Not a bug

Explain why you have inappropriate ads like this get rid of this ad

Tyson 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 1

Image 402


Not a bug

We don't have any control over the ads you see on the site. Every user sees individual ads based on their browser and search history. Normally, offensive or x-rated ads are filtered by Google, but sometimes a few come through anyway.

What you can do if you see an ad like that is click on the little x in the top right corner and report the ad to Google. We, as WoP and WoX, cannot do anything about the ads you see, though.

Not a bug

We don't have any control over the ads you see on the site. Every user sees individual ads based on their browser and search history. Normally, offensive or x-rated ads are filtered by Google, but sometimes a few come through anyway.

What you can do if you see an ad like that is click on the little x in the top right corner and report the ad to Google. We, as WoP and WoX, cannot do anything about the ads you see, though.